Jan 5, 2009

Home Alone

Posted by Jason & Sharon Epperly


Well, you can probably guess from the title of this post that I am “home alone” and I actually feel like this picture.    We had a wonderful Christmas and are expecting great things in 2009.  We enjoyed seeing family and just being together.  Jason had to return to work on Friday and now, the girls are all back in school today.  I have to get my house in order.   We have a room that needs to be painted and a bed to be made for our little guy.  My friend Heather has offered to help me paint tomorrow, and I gladly took her up on it.  Still haven’t gotten the girls PB kitchen, cottage, and craft table sold, but I haven’t put it on Craig’s List yet.  I have a list of things that need to be done, mostly making sure that things are organized here.  Jason thinks we could just throw some stuff in a bag and go today if we needed too (I wish I had that attitude :0)  I have to keep reminding myself that everything will be ok. As our time to leave is quickly approaching I think about our girls, I know they will be safe and well taken care of, just being away from them for so long makes me sad.  I have been so teary lately and I’m sure this is normal, right?

My nights have been restless and I had to take something last night, it was not solid sleep but sleep nonetheless.  The reason I can’t sleep is because I can’t stop thinking.  The what if this or that and need to do this.  I pray often for peace, for our family, our facilitator, the people we will come encounter while we are in this foreign land.  I pray often for our little guy who I don’t know yet, but God does.  I go in his room and hold a teddy bear we have for him and I pray for him by name for his safety, his caregivers, that he will feel God’s arms around him and know that his Mom and Dad are coming soon to wrap their arms around him.  I hope he can feel that!

So as I being my day and look at my list trying to decide what to do first, I ask God to show me what he wants me to do today, just today!

We covet your prayers. 



Anonymous said...

I've been saying the same prayer!! I can't wait for you to find the little boy that God has already given you to love and provide for the next 15 or so years. I feel certain that he is already anticipating your arrival! Love you! Jonas' Grandma

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. Made me cry -- again! Please know that we are praying for all of you. Can't wait to meet your special guy.


Anonymous said...

In a month the chaos will be over, your son will be home and your family will be together. It will be a joyous time. God is Good.
You are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I can relate to your overwhelming feelings of what to do first. I have been praying similar prayers and making list so I can check things off. I am so worried that I will forget something! I am sure most moms and dads feel all of these things, it is such an emotional time. We are often teary (mostly me) at the thought of our kids who are over there! I also feel sad about leaving my boys home but have to trust that they will do great and the time will go by fast. God bless! I will be praying for you!


Anonymous said...

We don't know you, but have been reading blogs, we leave on Jan 11 for Jan 14 appointment. Hope to meet you there. visit our blog

May God be with you folks as well
Patty and Mike

Unknown said...

this sounds so familiar and I think, so normal - I cried a ton before leaving and honestly, I cried so much our second week there in Ukraine that Eric was truly worried about me... I think the lack of sun got to me but more than that, I missed the kids back home and longed for life as we'd known it - I hurt because I felt like that life would never be mine again, even though I was anxious to bring a new child into it...

Now that I'm home that is not really been the way it is. It's not as I feared. I love watching my 3 olders grow and mature and I don't feel that I've robbed them of anything by adding in their new sister. Our family feels richer. Our circle has closed significantly, that is true - less socializing and such, but in a way that is rich as well.

I'm rambling and must get to bed but point is I can relate to everything you said, right down to needing something to help with sleep. That was me!

Anonymous said...

Please know that our House Gathering is praying for you each day. Last night 1/21 at 11:30 I could not sleep so I got up to read. At 1:00 am I felt lead to pray for you. Nothing specific just that God would flood you with peace, mercy and to bless your faithfulness. We will continue to pray for you.


Anonymous said...

Lora, Marcie and Barb are reading up on what is happening and we are so happy for you. We have been reading and crying and are thrilled! Stay well and keep us posted. We love you -- you are in our prayers.